RS: we have HEAT

Something beautiful happened today. I almost can’t believe it. THERE IS HEAT IN MY HOUSE (Josh took a space heater to the house to keep our pipes in the basement from freezing and found that it was already warm in there.) The heating system’s not done, but it’s working. I’ll take it. All we need now is […]

hello 24.

Tomorrow I’m 24. I feel a crisis coming on. Josh turns 25 this year; his quarter-life crisis led him to buy a Jeep. I accept partial responsibility. When his 1990 Toyota Corolla (“Gilbert,” as in Anne) died earlier this year, I said, “Well, if you want a car that’ll last more than five years, maybe you should consider that it might be […]

how to survive vacation with a cold hearted killer

It started with a crazy idea and $150. And an application and an interview at the Humane Society and a small array of things that squeaked (but not for long). Parenthood was ours. All seemed to be progressing normally, except that she wanted to eat the whole world. Including, for a time, me. But we were […]

affirmation monster

I got my antibiotics, along with a mild narcotic, strictly for sleeping purposes. And there was no pleading or crawling down the hallways, weeping or gnashing my teeth; all my practice was in vain. The doctor’s exact words were, “There’s no reason to torture you any longer.” I squeaked something polite and unfitting like, “Thank […]

the christmas crisis, or cows for world peace

I do love this season. It woos me with its fireplaces, family dinners, and sugar cookies. I approve of listening to December in September, of Christmas shopping (“I thought of you when I saw this”) all year round, of imagining the best place for a Christmas tree in every home you enter. Beneath layers of […]


Yesterday my dad’s car broke down while he was on the phone with my mom. “My car just stopped working.” “What do you mean?” “Nothing’s happening.” “Do you think you should hang up now?” Yesterday my husband’s car broke down. That is, the clutch stopped working. He jerked it into a parking lot and then […]

moving on

We’re out. We’ve moved. That’s it. The apartment is free of all dirt and dog fur. Yesterday, we did it all — vacuumed cupboard interiors, washed both sides of the windows, scrubbed the trim, polished the porch light. It took six hours. Ella lay in her bed in the empty apartment, yawning while we scurried around with our […]

old fashioned security system

Husband and I have been discussing getting a security system for our house. Specifically, one with fur. Specifically, one of these guys. That, my friends, is a black German Shepherd Dog. (Also, here: And here: I couldn’t track down the original sources.) One of the reasons we adopted our first dog last year was that I […]

restoration saga: sick days and the real ceiling

I got out of tonight’s demolition because I have a migraine. It’s dwindling, but I’m in no condition to swing a sledgehammer. I’m bummed. The dog and I are having a girls’ night . . . sort of. I’m burying my face in the couch and cursing the light while she repeatedly flings her rubber chicken at me. We’re […]